With the animatic and storyboard out of the way, production begins for the animation Waiting. Currently, casting calls are open for anyone who is interested in taking any roles in the animation: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/waiting-d5b0a707-a19a-4e08-a264-4e489a3e4d8b http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/members/FCU777/casting-call/Waiting/ CHARACTER SIGNIFICANCE VOICED BY Bridget Manuel Protagonist Faith Ukwuomah Samuel Okechukwu Protagonist Jedipony1992 Cassie Ducane Antagonist Faith Ukwuomah Amber Scarlet Antagonist Becky Morris Felix Ranch Antagonist Thomas Walsh Bradley “Brad” Olly Antagonist Unknown Millicent Jean-Prix Antagonist ???? Patrona Rabboni Antagonist Cori Davis Fabiola Candiolo Antagonist Fiona Middlehurst Satan (the devil) Antagonist Thijs Aldenkamp God Supporting Nick Copeland Jesus Christ Supporting Ryan Shields The Holy Spirit Supporting Finnister Mrs Manuel Extra Faith Ukwuomah CHARACTER CONCEPTS ...